7/11/19: Scenario Based Planning in S&OP High Tide
This seminar will focus on the core of Sales and Operations Planning. Different planning options and circumstances evolve into a series of scenarios or plans that need to be evaluated in order to sift out the best plan to implement. Each scenario should therefore capture the key elements of every manufacturing plan: the best trade-off between flow and capacity in order to reach the required customer service. We illustrate this approach by using the outsource decision as a way to elevate capacity.
- 13:00h: Registration with coffee
- 13:30h: Part 1
- Material flows and resource capacity as fundamental planning instruments
- Planning for customer service
- 15:00h: coffee break
- 15:20h: Part 2
- Scenario based planning principles
- Generic case from a metal working company in the automotive
- 16:50h: Q&A