Zo groeide AxFlow DC van 10.000 naar 50.000 orders per jaar

(Advertorial) AxFlow DC (Europees Distributie Centrum) heeft een waanzinnige groei doorgemaakt. Onder leiding van Pieter Molenaar, Managing Director van AxFlow in Lelystad, is het aantal orders in de afgelopen jaren verdrievoudigd. AxFlow, distributeur van pompen, reserveonderdelen en andere componenten voor de procesindustrie, heeft wereldwijd verkoopkantoren. Door de voorraad te centraliseren in Lelystad, heeft AxFlow aanzienlijke efficiëntiewinsten behaald in de logistieke processen.

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For Spaas, a solid Sales & Operations Planning is a must to master the combination of strong seasonality and capacity constraints. To set up that process, the well-known candle manufacturer enlisted the help of Xeleos Consulting. “Not only did they provide us with Optimact as supporting software.

Air Spiralo

Time consuming and prone to errors. That is how inventory management at Air Spiralo could be characterised in the past. But Optimact, the supply chain planning software from Xeleos Consulting, changed that. The software package enabled the Dutch ventilation specialist not only to manage its company-wide stocks more efficiently, but to make forecasting more responsive as well.

Seasoned inventory project

Business group Solina is specialised in the development and production of functional food additives, sauces, herbs and aromatic blends. Solina’s considerable growth over the past years forced the company to take a closer look at its inventory management.

Pipelife takes Supply Chain Management to the next level with Optimact

Creating a solid basis for a correct forecast. That is what made Pipelife Netherlands hire Xeleos Consulting. Now that its software package Optimact has proven its value in Enkhuizen, other branches of the company are discovering the software as well.


TGW is building a highly automated intralogistics system in Berkel and Rodenrijs for Fource, a Netherlands-based automotive spare parts specialist. By carrying out this project, the customer is bundling its intralogistics at one location and taking an important step in optimising the supply chain.


(Marchtrenk, Austria, July 22, 2020) Urban Outfitters, Inc. (URBN), a leading lifestyle products and services company, which operates a portfolio of global consumer brands comprised of Anthropologie, BHLDN, Free People, Terrain, Urban Outfitters, Nuuly and a Food and Beverage division, has appointed TGW to design and implement an automation solution for their new fulfilment centre in the UK.

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OMP en Rulex gaan samen innovatie in de data value chain stimuleren

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Trucksters verkort transporttijden met 50% met nieuwe corridor in het VK

De Spaanse startup Trucksters, een technologische transportoperator op basis van vrachtwagenrelais, heeft een nieuwe corridor in gebruik genomen met twee routes vanuit Spanje en het VK als bestemming. Het betreft de eerste corridor van het bedrijf met een bestemming buiten de Europese Unie.

Mondi en EW Technology lanceren machine voor papieren palletwikkels

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Chep wordt 10 jaar vroeger dan voorzien klimaatneutraal

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Descartes neemt XPS Technologies over

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Eerste autonome shuttle op openbare weg in Mechelen Noord

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Tosca Groep digitaliseert Noord-Amerikaanse supply chain met Sensolus

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De Meeuw automatiseert logistieke flow met Nova van Aucxis RFID Solutions

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Radial Europe haalt 299 AMR’s van Dematic in huis

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Podcast – 6 myths debunked about doing business in China

(Advertorial) If you want to learn more about doing business in China, both offline and online, and what the truth is about some of the myths you might have heard about, then listen to the podcast here. In this episode, we discuss: * Six myths about the Chinese market * The potential for Western companies * The steps they can take to enter the Chinese market Take control of your route-to-market and strategic decision in how you do business in complex markets.


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