Masterclass lean

Resilience vs. Lean: Contradiction or Concordance?

14 November 2024 – Crowne Plaza, Antwerp Register now

Masterclass 'Resilience vs. Lean: Contradiction or Concordance?'

In today's volatile and uncertain global market, Supply Chain professionals face the dual challenge of maintaining efficiency while ensuring resilience. This training will explore the principles of Supply Chain Resilience, Lean within the Supply Chain, and relating inventory management techniques. We will highlight the delicate balance between Lean operations and Resilience as well as answer the question if Resilience and Lean are a contradiction or in concordance.

Participants will gain practical insights and frameworks to enhance their Supply Chain strategies, leveraging both Lean and Resilient methodologies.


  • 9:00 – 9:30 Introduction and overview
  • 9:30 – 10:30 Understanding Supply Chain Resilience
  • 10:30 – 10:45 Break
  • 10:45 – 12:30 Improving Supply Chain Resilience
  • 12:30 – 13:30 Lunch break
  • 13:30 – 15:15 Linking Lean to Supply Chain Resilience
  • 15:15 – 15:30 Break
  • 15:30 – 16:30 Deep dive: Inventory – Lean vs. Resilience
  • 16:30 – 17:00 Interactive session and Q&A


Luc Baetens, Managing Partner, Supply Chain and Operational Excellence senior consultant – Möbius Business Redesign

Luc worked with industrial companies since the year 2000 to improve the performance of their operations. He audited organisations, and designed, implemented, and managed a large number of complex supply chain projects.

Over the years, he specialised in global footprint design, end-to-end supply chain planning and forecasting, inventory optimisation, as well as in the application of Operational Excellence in industrial environments.

As a Master of Business Administration in General International Management with multiple years of experience in general management and HR, he has a solid base to link Supply Chain Management with the strategic challenges of private companies.

Luc Baeten klein3

Practical Info


14 November 2024

From 9:00 till 17:00

Lunch included


Crowne Plaza Antwerp

Gerard le Grellelaan 10
2020 Antwerpen

Free parking

Participation fee?

  • Value Chain/PICS members: € 425
  • Non-members: € 575

Become a Value Chain member now (€139) and participate at a reduced rate!

Recover up to 30% of the participation fee via the KMO Portefeuille (DV.O103602)

Crowne Plaza

Register now!

Participation fee: Value Chain / PICS members

I have a Value Chain or PICS membership

€ 425

Participation fee: non-members + membership

I don't have a membership, but I'll take one, so I can participate at a discounted rate

€ 564

Participation fee: non-members

I participate as a non-member and do not take a subscription

€ 575


Möbius Business Redesign

Möbius engageert zich om bedrijven te helpen met hun strategische uitdagingen door resoluut te kiezen voor een mensgerichte transformatieaanpak. Hierbij zijn optimale processen en de juiste mindset van medewerkers essentieel. …



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